Nynobo Fanny Noel

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  • Miyazaki for Real . Nov. 2020 - Ongoing

    A reverse archeological dig into Hayao Miyazaki's japanese animation. How does the imaginery space exist in the physical world? Appropriation and translations.
    This project is a tribute to Hayao Myazaki's movies and a questionning of the interaction of the imaginary and the physical world.
    I took as point of departure "the room of Hauru" in "The Howl's Moving Castle" to create a bridge between reality and fiction. What would happen if theses objects would be real? what does it mean for me to craft these on the unique purpose of making them exist? What would happen if these objects would be found and acknowledged by somoene who doesn't know where they come from?
    I imagined myself as an archeologist of the future, finding these artefacts and having to build knowledge from them. What does it says from History?

    I opened the process of making these objects to a french community of the movies fans on facebook. We started a group which purposes were both to learn and share crafting techniques and to achieve making and owning these surealistics objects. Most of the objects are still in the process of making. Here you can find a summary of all of them.

    Digging Site: Hauru's Room in Howl's Moving Castle, Hayao Miyazaki

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